# Getting started and exploring the API

The simplest way to do this is to issue a Private Access Token. This can be done at the Zaikio Hub on the settings page for your Organisation.

creating an auth token

To create a token, you simply need to provide it with a name to reference it by and select the scopes that you need - these represent access to different parts of the data model. To utilise the data platform effectively and experiment, we would suggest adding zaikio.organization.r, zaikio.jobs.rw and zaikio.orders.rw as a minimum.

setting access scopes

You will be presented with your access token only once, so store it securely - this is your key for accessing the API.

getting the token

This value can then be used to make requests to the Zaikio platform, such as retrieving the details of your Organisation. If you have a file containing a valid Authorisation header, such as:

# auth.txt
Authorization: Bearer YourSuperLongBearerTokenReplacesThisBitHereAndYesEvenThoughItIsReallyLongYouDoNeedAllOfIt

Then you can simply make a request to the API using a client like cURL:

curl -H @auth.txt -i https://hub.sandbox.zaikio.com/api/v1/organization

To return the details on your Organization

// ➜  demo curl -H @auth.txt https://hub.sandbox.zaikio.com/api/v1/organization
  "id": "51232a2a-318a-4484-be86-db521b747b86",
  "name": "Sample Printing Solutions",
  "slug": "sample-printing-solutions",
  "connected": false,
  "kinds": [
  "sections": {
    "software_developer": [
  "country_code": "GB",
  "granted_oauth_scopes": [],
  "requested_oauth_scopes": [],
  "requested_oauth_scopes_waiting_for_approval": [],
  "brand_color": null,
  "currency": "GBP",
  "test_account_owner_id": null,
  "require_two_factor_authentication": false,
  "created_at": "2022-07-22T14:56:00.099Z",
  "updated_at": "2023-06-26T10:32:08.631Z",
  "unconfirmed_tax_identifier": null,
  "unconfirmed_tax_identifier_valid": null,
  "tax_identifier": null,
  "logo_url": null,
  "kind": "software_developer",
  "authorized_for_payment": false,
  "subscription": null

From here, the best place to go is the data platform documentation (opens new window) to explore the topics you are interested in. Using our OpenAPI Documentation (opens new window) you can configure clients such as PostMan (opens new window), use cURL (opens new window), or a fully-fledged programming language to get started.