# Data Model Guide: Files

# Introduction

Almost every conceivable print Job requires, at some point, files that, for example, contain the content to be printed, or that describe how to apply finishings to the Job. In the Zaikio platform, these files are represented as FileReference objects - pointers to a file. These could be stored on local network shares, on web servers, in the cloud or even using our purpose-built Zaikio Vault storage solution.

# Types of storage

The Zaikio platform does not attempt to tell you where files should be stored, but it does require them to be addressable through a URI, or Uniform Resource Identifier. These are things like URLs to files stored on web servers https://... or to files stored on local networks smb://.... Our key advice though is that to make the most out of the platform, they need to be stored at a location where connected applications can access them. This can bring problems of security and auditing along with all the associated headaches.

We have built Zaikio Vault to solve these, and the platform integrates seamlessly with it. Secure, encrypted cloud storage backed by Amazon S3 (the world's largest storage system) that integrates directly into Zaikio workspaces, providing one-click access control and auditing, managed security and true global scalability.

We'll cover the differences in a FileReference between generic storage and Vault storage below.

# The basic model

# Generic Files

Generic FileReferences could not be simpler. At core it is just a kind (e.g. is this artwork or a path), a URL, a mime-type (or definition of what type of data is being stored) and the size of the file.

  "kind": "artwork",
  "mime_type": "application/pdf",
  "url": "https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/alee5ik58onyi08af3h8n/sample-business-card.pdf?rlkey=ezfzqpp6t3bqn86guxq84ykwk&dl=1",
  "size": 636000 // the size in bytes

# Vault File references

Vault FileReference objects are even simpler again. They simply require the kind, and then the ID of the Vault and File within the vault. All other fields are automatically populated from the metadata stored by Vault.

It is important to say that at no point can the Zaikio platform read the data stored by Vault, only the metadata attached to it. Only access granted with the vault.files.r scope can retrieve the files stored within a Vault.

# Creating a file reference

  "kind": "artwork",
  "vault_id": "4406fdac-6086-445c-abb7-e308362b4e53",
  "vault_file_id": "fe3aa724-e512-4594-9aa1-8f24d9ad0cc5"

# The populated object after creation

  "kind": "artwork",
  "vault_id": "4406fdac-6086-445c-abb7-e308362b4e53",
  "vault_file_id": "fe3aa724-e512-4594-9aa1-8f24d9ad0cc5",
  "mime_type": "application/pdf", // auto-populated
  "url": "https://vault.zaikio.com/vaults/:vault_id/files/:file_id", // auto-populated
  "size": 636000 // auto-populated

# Attaching files to resources

FileReferences can be attached to many resources within the platform.

- zaikio.jobs.rw

# Part

FileReference objects can be attached to a Part in two ways:

  1. Through the fully-hydrated object creation endpoint of a Job (POST /api/v1/jobs) as can be seen here
  2. Through the individual part endpoints (POST /api/v1/jobs/:id/parts or PATCH /api/v1/parts/:id) within a Job for creating new parts or updating existing ones

FileReference objects added to a Part should be of kind "artwork".

# Finishing

FileReference objects can be attached to a Finishing in three ways:

  1. Through the fully-hydrated object creation endpoint of a Job (POST /api/v1/jobs) as can be seen here
  2. Through the individual Part endpoints (POST /api/v1/jobs/:id/parts or PATCH /api/v1/parts/:id) within a Job for creating new parts or updating existing ones
  3. By directly creating a FileReference for a Finishing with POST /api/v1/finishings/:id/file_references

Depending on the finishing, FileReferences attached to Finishing objects might be of kind "artwork" or of kind "path"

# Signature

FileReference objects can be attached to a Signature using the dedicated endpoint at POST /signatures/:id/file_references.

FileReference objects attached to Signatures should be of kind "signature".

# Working with files

Many applications that need to interact with files should subscribe to our event notifications for FileReferences being added to the platform.

# Event

zaikio.file_reference_added will be fired every time a new FileReference is created, and should be considered the correct event to listen to in order to perform actions such as preflighting.

If an application wants to perform tasks which depend on other data existing, then they should consider listening in to status triggers on the Job. An example for this would be performing colour correction on all the files in a Job once it has been scheduled to a machine for print.

  "payload": {
    "file_reference_id": "276e768e-f9c3-44f8-ac6a-75f6bdcb1a21",
    "referenceable_id": "14205f53-1c5e-4642-9a05-7982e007bea9",
    "referenceable_type": "Part",
    "mime_type": "application/pdf",
    "kind": "artwork"

# Acting upon files - Operations

An Operation can be created when an app starts processing a file. Operations represent a task being performed, and can be updated with progress to communicate to other apps and end users what is happening.

# Authorization

Operations depart from our standard permissions model in that only the application that created an Operation can update that record, or create Remark objects for it.

# Payloads

POST /api/v1/file_references/:id/operations

  "operation": {
    "status": "pending",
    "progress": 0

PATCH /api/v1/operations/:id

  "operation": {
    "status": "completed",
    "progress": 1

When an operation is processing or has completed, the calling application can attach Remark objects to it, to describe outcomes that happened.

POST /api/v1/operations/:id/remarks

  "remark": {
    // one of info, warning, error or fix
    "severity": "warning",
    "kind": "color_mismatch",
    "message": "There was an issue with your colours",
    // A reference to the area the issue is found in. There is no standard
    // for this, so should be provided in a way that is simple for an end-user
    // to understand
    "area": "Page 1, top left",
    // How many times the issue appears
    "repeats_in_area": 5