Mission Control Data Platform

[IMPORTANT] Mission Control and Data Platform split

Action required Update

As we've learned more about how we think about the world of print data, we've decided to split what used to be known as "Mission Control" into two concepts. "Mission Control" will specialise as an App on the Zaikio platform that offers an industry leading set of List-based functionality, advanced production planning tools and a great shop floor data collection experience. Now for the fun bit. We're delighted to promote our modeling of the print ecosystem to the heart of our product offering. As we've spoken to our Partner Community, we've understood that print job data isn't part of what we do, it's the very core of what we do. We're moving the majority of the former "Mission Control" API into the "Zaikio" namespace to better reflect its importance to us as the essence of our business. All Zaikio Organizations will now automatically have access to the data platform, and in time this will be charged on a metered per-Job basis with packages available at common usage bands. More details on this will follow in future, and there will be a free tier. The good news is that there are no immediate changes to the data model, and we'll operate a long crossover period to make switching simple. TLDR;

  • No immediate changes needed - No changes in the data model - All non-List API endpoints are available at their new home:
    • sandbox: https://data.sandbox.zaikio.com
    • live: https://data.zaikio.com
  • All mission_control.* OAuth scopes are now also available as zaikio.* scopes - All mission_control.* events are also available as zaikio.* events - All existing endpoints, scopes and events will run for the next months to allow for graceful migrations - List based activities continue to use the existing mission_control endpoints, scopes and events

What do I need to do?

OAuth Scopes

All former mission_control.* scopes are now available as zaikio.* scopes. The existing scopes will still work without any changes. We would request that over time you look to migrate to the new scopes, but we will advertise our hard deadlines for this in future.


All former mission_control.* events are now available as zaikio.* events. We are sending both versions of the event for now but in time we will migrate remaining subscriptions to the new zaikio namespace. Again, we will advertise this transition date well before it happens #### URLs Please start using the new data. URLs to access our API. We will shortly be upgrading the infrastructure that our data platform runs on, but the performance advantages will require you to migrate to the new URL... In time, we will switch off the old ones, and again this will be publicised well in advance. How's that for a carrot-or-stick situation? Please reach out to our partner success team directly or on the community slack if you've got any questions or notice any strange behaviours. We run all of our own products on the platform and are confident this is stable, but we're standing by to support you all.