Welcome to the Zaikio developer documentation. You'll find comprehensive guides and documentation to help you start working with Zaikio as quickly as possible, as well as support if you get stuck. Let's jump right in!

Read our guides

Single Sign-On

Learn how to create a Zaikio account and a Zaikio app. Sign in users with Zaikio. Install an app for an organization.

Explore Single Sign-On →

Test API requests interactively

Learn how to create a private access token and how to interactively use Zaikio’s API documentations to test.

Explore Zaikio API requests →

Migrate existing customers

Iteratively migrate your current user database and organisations to Zaikio.

Explore migration →

Explore our apps

Data Platform

Zaikio Core

Core services of Zaikio, including Hub API, Loom API and OAuth API

Mission Control

Try our demo apps


Redirect Flow & Organisation installation

crispymtn/zai-demo-node node-demonstrator.zaikio.com
Javascript / Webpack

Redirect Flow SPA

crispymtn/zai-demo-app-javascript redirect-flow-demonstrator.zaikio.com
Javascript / Webpack

Device Flow

crispymtn/zai-device-flow-demo device-flow-demonstrator.zaikio.com



This gem is a mountable Rails engine that provides single sign on, Zaikio access and further Zaikio platform connectivity


Allows to register webhook callbacks for Zaikio Loom for multiple apps as background jobs


Ruby API Client for Zaikio Procurement


Need help? Get in touch!

If you ever need help, please feel free to contact us and join our Slack Zaikio community to stay up to date.

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