# Finishings

# Introduction

Simple printing of a substrate rarely represents everything that is required to fully process a print job.

All finishings can be provided with a FileReference to provide additional information such as paths for engravings or laminations.

# Providing File data

A Finishing can be provided with multiple FileReferences, either through the simple interface (within the creating request) or by creating them additionally afterwards.

# Creation in single request

// POST /api/v1/parts/${part_id}/finishings

  "finishing": {
    "file_references": [
        "kind": "artwork",
        "url": "https://example.org/some-file.pdf",
        "mime_type": "application/pdf",
        "size": 120003232
    "kind": "comb_binding",
    "shape": "single",
    "hanger": true,
    "diameter": "5.3",
    "dimensions_unit": "cm"

# Creation in multiple requests

// POST /api/v1/finishings/${finishing_id}/file_references

  "file_reference": {
    "kind": "artwork",
    "url": "https://example.org/some-file.pdf",
    "mime_type": "application/pdf",
    "size": 120003232

# Kinds of Finishing

# Comb Binding

# Properties

name kind required description
shape enum false "single" or "twin"
hanger boolean false
diameter integer false The diameter of the binding comb, expressed in dimensions_unit

# Embossing

# Properties

name kind required description
method enum true "blind" or "braille"
direction enum true "embossed", "debossed" or "embossed-debossed"

# Engraving

Engraving does not have any special properties, but does, like all finishings, support being provided with a FileReference that should contain relevant instructions.

# Foil Stamping

# Properties

name kind required description
direction enum false "level", "embossed" or "debossed"
color enum string false

# Gluing

Gluing does not have any special attributes.

# Head Band

# Properties

name kind required description
length decimal false The length of the headband
width decimal false The width of the headband
color enum string The color of the headband, see our list of supported colors for options
dimensions_unit enum true if length or width are present "mm" or "pt" for example

# Drilling

# Properties

name kind required description
shape enum true "round", "rectangular" or "elliptic"
diameter decimal false The diameter of the hole to drill
depth decimal false The depth to drill to
grommet boolean false Does the hole drilled require a grommet
dimensions_unit enum true if length or width are present "mm" or "pt" for example

# Lamination

# Properties

name kind required description
method enum false "foil", "varnish" or "uv"
texture enum false See list of available textures
color enum false See list of available colors

# Perfect Binding

Does not have any special properties.

# Perforation

# Properties

name kind required description
depth decimal false The depth of the perforation
teeth integer false How many teeth does the perforation have

# Ring Binding

# Properties

name kind required description
shape enum false "oval", "round", "d" or "slant_d"
diameter decimal false The diameter of the binding ring
dimensions_unit enum true if length or width are present "mm" or "pt" for example

# Saddle Stitching

# Properties

name kind required description
staple_sheet enum false "butted", "clinched_out", "crown", "eyelet" or "overlap"
staples integer false How many stapes in the stitching

# Spiral Binding

# Properties

name kind required description
shape enum false "single" or "twin"
hanger boolean false Does the binding have a hanger
diameter decimal false The diameter of the binding ring
dimensions_unit enum true if length or width are present "mm" or "pt" for example

# Strip Binding

# Properties

name kind required description
pin_height decimal false The height of the binding pin
dimensions_unit enum true if length or width are present "mm" or "pt" for example

# Thread Sewing

# Properties

name kind required description
pattern enum false "combined_staggered", "normal", "side" or "staggered"
blind_stitch boolean false
thread_thickness decimal false The thickness of the sewing thread
dimensions_unit enum true if length or width are present "mm" or "pt" for example

# Additional Finishings

If additional finishings are required, please reach out to us either through your Partner Manager or through the Community Slack.